[NEWS] "Godzilla vs. Kong" sequel in early development (monster)
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2021-04-28 06:38:36 UTC
From ComingSoon.net ...

Report: MonsterVerse Births Godzilla vs. Kong Sequel, Son of Kong
Godzilla vs. Kong director Adam Wingard is reportedly in talks
to helm the next MonsterVerse film from Legendary, which is
reportedly called Son of Kong. While many Legendary insiders
thought the company would begin to wind down the MonsterVerse
franchise after Godzilla vs. Kong, the company seems to be going
in the opposite direction according to a report from the
Hollywood Reporter.

According to the report, Legendary is looking to take steps to
stretch out the series into one or more installments, with
Godzilla vs. Kong director Adam Wingard in line to return for
another film. One potential title for the next installment being
floated internally in the company is Son of Kong.

As of now, no official timetable or information is known for the
future of the franchise, but should Wingard return, he'll likely
have a hand in how things go. Wingard was said to be very
involved in creating some of the Godzilla vs. Kong set pieces, as
well as building out the world and plot of the film. Wingard
returning would also mark the first return of a director to the
MonsterVerse project since the start of it, as every film has had
different directors attached.

Godzilla vs. Kong launched earlier this year, grossing
$386 million on a $170 million budget.

Ted Nolan <tednolan>
2021-04-28 12:39:21 UTC
Post by Your Name
From ComingSoon.net ...
Report: MonsterVerse Births Godzilla vs. Kong Sequel, Son of Kong
Godzilla vs. Kong director Adam Wingard is reportedly in talks
to helm the next MonsterVerse film from Legendary, which is
reportedly called Son of Kong. While many Legendary insiders
Wait, what? There's a girl Kong somewhere?
What's not in Columbia anymore..
Your Name
2021-04-28 23:01:39 UTC
Post by Ted Nolan <tednolan>
Post by Your Name
From ComingSoon.net ...
Report: MonsterVerse Births Godzilla vs. Kong Sequel, Son of Kong
Godzilla vs. Kong director Adam Wingard is reportedly in talks
to helm the next MonsterVerse film from Legendary, which is
reportedly called Son of Kong. While many Legendary insiders
Wait, what? There's a girl Kong somewhere?
Yep ...

Lady Kong
Lady Kong is a female giant ape Kaiju and the mate of
King Kong in the 1986 film, King Kong Lives.

That film also had Baby Kong ...

Baby Kong
Baby Kong naturally looks like an infant gorilla,
only he stands about the same height as a normal
adult gorilla.

Plus there is also already been a son in the 1933 sequel "Son of Kong" ...

Little Kong
Little Kong is King Kong's son from The Son of Kong.

And, according to the MonsterVerse, Kong also has deceased parents, so
there's a whole family line of giant apes. :-)
2025-02-20 00:10:15 UTC
Post by Your Name
From ComingSoon.net ...
Report: MonsterVerse Births Godzilla vs. Kong Sequel, Son of Kong
Godzilla vs. Kong director Adam Wingard is reportedly in talks
to helm the next MonsterVerse film from Legendary, which is
reportedly called Son of Kong. While many Legendary insiders
thought the company would begin to wind down the MonsterVerse
franchise after Godzilla vs. Kong, the company seems to be going
in the opposite direction according to a report from the
Hollywood Reporter.
According to the report, Legendary is looking to take steps to
stretch out the series into one or more installments, with
Godzilla vs. Kong director Adam Wingard in line to return for
another film. One potential title for the next installment being
floated internally in the company is Son of Kong.
As of now, no official timetable or information is known for the
future of the franchise, but should Wingard return, he'll likely
have a hand in how things go. Wingard was said to be very
involved in creating some of the Godzilla vs. Kong set pieces, as
well as building out the world and plot of the film. Wingard
returning would also mark the first return of a director to the
MonsterVerse project since the start of it, as every film has had
different directors attached.
Godzilla vs. Kong launched earlier this year, grossing
$386 million on a $170 million budget.

I was definitely rooting for Godzilla completely, but this movie is great at
making you like Kong.

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