Godzilla vs Kong (US) 2021
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william ahearn
2021-04-09 04:23:52 UTC

Old monsters never die, they just fade into sequels. Having grown up in the postwar years – 1950s, and then the 1960s – I was raised on big monsters -- King Kong, Godzilla, Mothra, The Mysterians, and Rodan, were my favorites. As I aged into puberty, I began watching other types of movies and somehow I missed the transition where Godzilla became the protector instead of the destroyer of Tokyo.

Or something like that. Hollywood produced two stand-alone versions of Godzilla where his size had ballooned and the ideas had shrunk. Japanese versions of Godzilla at least had a sense of humor. Then came Kong: Skull Island – also known as Apocalypse Kong – which apparently is the first installment of an on-going series that introduces the notion that the big monsters had unionized and are living under Antarctica in a place called Hollow Earth.

Maybe I shouldn't be writing this up as I missed Godzilla: King of the Monsters and, as a result, was somewhat lost as to the gist of the story involving scientists and evil corporations. It seems that Ann Darrow has morphed into a young deaf girl and Kong has a bit of Koko in his blood. The special effects are mostly excellent even if you're as lost as I was.

If ya love the big galoots fighting it out, find a stream and dig in.
Ted Nolan <tednolan>
2021-04-09 12:36:56 UTC
Post by william ahearn
Old monsters never die, they just fade into sequels. Having grown up in
the postwar years – 1950s, and then the 1960s – I was raised on big
monsters -- King Kong, Godzilla, Mothra, The Mysterians, and Rodan, were
my favorites. As I aged into puberty, I began watching other types of
movies and somehow I missed the transition where Godzilla became the
protector instead of the destroyer of Tokyo.
Or something like that. Hollywood produced two stand-alone versions of
Godzilla where his size had ballooned and the ideas had shrunk. Japanese
Skull Island – also known as Apocalypse Kong – which apparently is
the first installment of an on-going series that introduces the notion
that the big monsters had unionized and are living under Antarctica in a
place called Hollow Earth.
Maybe I shouldn't be writing this up as I missed Godzilla: King of the
Monsters and, as a result, was somewhat lost as to the gist of the story
involving scientists and evil corporations. It seems that Ann Darrow has
morphed into a young deaf girl and Kong has a bit of Koko in his blood.
The special effects are mostly excellent even if you're as lost as I
If ya love the big galoots fighting it out, find a stream and dig in.
As usual, there is a Pitch Meeting:

What's not in Columbia anymore..
william ahearn
2021-04-09 17:39:39 UTC
Post by Ted Nolan <tednolan>
Yeah, that pretty much sums it up.
2021-04-10 10:38:26 UTC
Post by william ahearn
Old monsters never die, they just fade into sequels.
What movie are you claiming this is a "sequel" of? I would suggest
going to dictionary.com and doing some research.
william ahearn
2021-04-10 16:00:05 UTC
Post by william ahearn
Old monsters never die, they just fade into sequels.
What movie are you claiming this is a "sequel" of? I would suggest
going to dictionary.com and doing some research.
Where did I say this film was a sequel? You need some meds. Calm down.
2021-04-10 17:06:33 UTC
Post by william ahearn
Post by william ahearn
Old monsters never die, they just fade into sequels.
What movie are you claiming this is a "sequel" of? I would suggest
going to dictionary.com and doing some research.
Where did I say this film was a sequel? You need some meds. Calm down.
So when you used the word "sequels" you didn't really mean it? Are you
william ahearn
2021-04-10 21:24:13 UTC
Post by william ahearn
Post by william ahearn
Old monsters never die, they just fade into sequels.
What movie are you claiming this is a "sequel" of? I would suggest
going to dictionary.com and doing some research.
Where did I say this film was a sequel? You need some meds. Calm down.
So when you used the word "sequels" you didn't really mean it? Are you
Grow up. Or get a life.
2021-04-11 16:47:10 UTC
Post by william ahearn
Post by william ahearn
Post by william ahearn
Old monsters never die, they just fade into sequels.
What movie are you claiming this is a "sequel" of? I would suggest
going to dictionary.com and doing some research.
Where did I say this film was a sequel? You need some meds. Calm down.
So when you used the word "sequels" you didn't really mean it? Are you
Grow up. Or get a life.
Got it, you don't have the stones to answer the question. You want me
to "grow up" in lieu of you growing a pair.
william ahearn
2021-04-11 20:04:57 UTC
Got it, you don't have the stones to answer the question. You want me
to "grow up" in lieu of you growing a pair.
There you go with my balls again. How childish and tedious. You're a boor, trotsky.
2021-04-14 17:27:00 UTC
Post by william ahearn
Got it, you don't have the stones to answer the question. You want me
to "grow up" in lieu of you growing a pair.
There you go with my balls again. How childish and tedious. You're a boor, trotsky.
There you go with you changing the subject again from your totally
fucking lying. How predictable.
2021-04-11 21:12:00 UTC
Post by trotsky
Post by william ahearn
Old monsters never die, they just fade into sequels.
What movie are you claiming this is a "sequel" of?
2021-04-14 17:28:16 UTC
Post by RichA
Post by trotsky
Post by william ahearn
Old monsters never die, they just fade into sequels.
What movie are you claiming this is a "sequel" of?
Okay, why do you suppose he was afraid to admit he'd said that?
william ahearn
2021-04-14 23:56:26 UTC
Post by trotsky
Post by RichA
Post by trotsky
Post by william ahearn
Old monsters never die, they just fade into sequels.
What movie are you claiming this is a "sequel" of?
Okay, why do you suppose he was afraid to admit he'd said that?
Still obsessed with me. Are you still crying for Hilary?
2021-04-16 11:13:43 UTC
Post by william ahearn
Post by trotsky
Post by RichA
Post by trotsky
Post by william ahearn
Old monsters never die, they just fade into sequels.
What movie are you claiming this is a "sequel" of?
Okay, why do you suppose he was afraid to admit he'd said that?
Still obsessed with me. Are you still crying for Hilary?
And you're still obsessed with an inability to have any backbone and
stop LYING.
2021-04-17 06:23:52 UTC
Post by trotsky
Post by william ahearn
Old monsters never die, they just fade into sequels.
What movie are you claiming this is a "sequel" of?
Godzilla v Kong is a sequel to Godzilla King of the Monsters.
Rent a flat above a shop, cut your hair and get a job, smoke some
fags and play some pool, pretend you never went to school and
still you'll never get it right cuz when you're lay'n in bed at
night watching roaches climb the wall if you called your dad he
could stop it all.
Ted Nolan <tednolan>
2021-04-17 08:06:10 UTC
Post by Lewis
Post by trotsky
Post by william ahearn
Old monsters never die, they just fade into sequels.
What movie are you claiming this is a "sequel" of?
Godzilla v Kong is a sequel to Godzilla King of the Monsters.
I knew GvK was a sequel to "Godzilla King of the Monsters" and how
that was a sequel of sorts to "Kong: Skull Island", but I didn't
realize that the 2014 "Godzilla" reboot was in the same series.


Looks like there is a TV show in the offing as well.
What's not in Columbia anymore..
2021-04-17 12:23:57 UTC
Post by Ted Nolan <tednolan>
Post by Lewis
Post by trotsky
Post by william ahearn
Old monsters never die, they just fade into sequels.
What movie are you claiming this is a "sequel" of?
Godzilla v Kong is a sequel to Godzilla King of the Monsters.
I knew GvK was a sequel to "Godzilla King of the Monsters" and how
that was a sequel of sorts to "Kong: Skull Island", but I didn't
realize that the 2014 "Godzilla" reboot was in the same series.
Looks like there is a TV show in the offing as well.
Everybody wants a Cinematic Universe now.
2021-04-17 13:22:36 UTC
Post by trotsky
Post by Ted Nolan <tednolan>
Post by Lewis
Post by trotsky
Post by william ahearn
Old monsters never die, they just fade into sequels.
What movie are you claiming this is a "sequel" of?
Godzilla v Kong is a sequel to Godzilla King of the Monsters.
I knew GvK was a sequel to "Godzilla King of the Monsters" and how
that was a sequel of sorts to "Kong: Skull Island", but I didn't
realize that the 2014 "Godzilla" reboot was in the same series.
Looks like there is a TV show in the offing as well.
Everybody wants a Cinematic Universe now.
Even worse, everybody gets one.
2021-04-17 12:23:09 UTC
Post by Lewis
Post by trotsky
Post by william ahearn
Old monsters never die, they just fade into sequels.
What movie are you claiming this is a "sequel" of?
Godzilla v Kong is a sequel to Godzilla King of the Monsters.
Thanks, that's what I wanted to know. Do you have any idea why dipshit
said "sequels" or do you prefer not to speculate?
2021-04-10 16:43:10 UTC
Post by william ahearn
Old monsters never die, they just fade into sequels. Having grown up in the postwar years – 1950s, and then the 1960s – I was raised on big monsters -- King Kong, Godzilla, Mothra, The Mysterians, and Rodan, were my favorites. As I aged into puberty, I began watching other types of movies and somehow I missed the transition where Godzilla became the protector instead of the destroyer of Tokyo.
Or something like that. Hollywood produced two stand-alone versions of Godzilla where his size had ballooned and the ideas had shrunk. Japanese versions of Godzilla at least had a sense of humor. Then came Kong: Skull Island – also known as Apocalypse Kong – which apparently is the first installment of an on-going series that introduces the notion that the big monsters had unionized and are living under Antarctica in a place called Hollow Earth.
Maybe I shouldn't be writing this up as I missed Godzilla: King of the Monsters and, as a result, was somewhat lost as to the gist of the story involving scientists and evil corporations. It seems that Ann Darrow has morphed into a young deaf girl and Kong has a bit of Koko in his blood. The special effects are mostly excellent even if you're as lost as I was.
If ya love the big galoots fighting it out, find a stream and dig in.
Iirc, the "new" Godzilla was introduced in GODZILLA (2014), at the
director-ship of Gareth Edwards, who managed to import some of the
gargantuan empathy from his MONSTERS (2000) which probably landed him
the gig. But it's not surprising that the two sequels have found no
place to go with it but saccharine silliness. ("Gravity inversion"???)
Ed Stasiak
2021-04-15 15:56:09 UTC
Post by william ahearn
If ya love the big galoots fighting it out, find a stream and dig in.
(Since nobody here on r.a.m.c-f responded to the thread I started about
this flick two weeks ago, I’ll repost what I wrote).

Watched the movie today and I’d say the SFX are good and the monster fights
are good but the overall plot is retarded but then that’s what we get when
Hollywood takes Chinese money to make movies. Expect more stupid nonsensical
plots like this in the future, as the Chinese only care about kewl! SFX.

Godzilla Girl, Black Alex Jones and Fat Deadpool Kid are pretty much irrelevant.
Evil Mexican Corporate Guy has gigantic bazillion dollar facilities all over the
place for his nefarious plan to build Mechagodzilla and nobody in the government
knows or cares.

Lots of shit just happens out of the blue with no explanation how the characters
got there. For example, King Kong is locked up in a huge bio-dome somewhere
and we’re told all the islanders on Skull Island (which has now been moved to
south of Hawaii) died because of a “storm”, then suddenly Kong is being
transported on a ship to Antarctica so he can go down into the Hollow Earth.

Yes, the Earth is hollow… and there’s jungles and mountains and big lizard type
creatures down there and apparently King Kong’s ancestors built this castle type
thing with a King Kong sized throne and there’s a magical Kong sized battle axe
made out of Unubtainum that he later uses against Godzilla and Mechagodzilla.

Meanwhile, Godzilla “senses” Evil Mexican Corporate Guy’s Mechagodzilla and
goes to Hong Kong to fight, but Mechagodzilla can’t work until the humans who
followed Kong into the Hollow Earth obtain some of the Unubtainum to power it,
which they somehow do… via cellphone… from the center of the Earth.

Godzilla then “senses” Kong is down in the Hollow Earth and literally uses his
atomic breath to blast a hole all the way to the center of the Earth, (seriously)
which Kong then climbs up in like 5mins with the magical battle axe and fights
Godzilla but Godzilla wins and Kong is all beat up and passed out.

Then Mechagodzilla bursts out of the Hong Kong hillside and beats the shit out’a
Godzilla but because he’s powered by Unubtainum, he becomes self-aware and
kills Evil Mexican Corporate Guy and starts trashing the city just to be a dick.

Meanwhile, little Deaf Asian Girl (who is King Kong’s friend and talks to him
using sign-language) say Kong is going to die, so Scientist Guy takes the Hollow
Earth spaceship and lands on Kong’s chest and flips a switch, turning it into a
giant defibrillator that heals Kong, who now helps Godzilla fight Mechagodzilla
but they’re still both getting their asses kicked until Fat Deadpool Kid spills some
booze on the control panel in Evil Mexican Corporate Guy’s lair and shorts out
Mechagodzilla, allowing Kong to go ape-shit and chop him up with the magical
Unubtainum axe.

Kong and Godzilla then kinda acknowledge that they’re both Good Guy badasses
and Godzilla swims away and Kong goes to live with his human friends down in
the Hollow Earth. The End. Surprisingly there are no mid/end credits scenes
setting up future movies but I’d say this flick, as stupid as it is, is still worth
watching (for free).
2021-04-15 21:44:32 UTC
The homo sapiens in these movies are annoying at best.
2025-02-22 00:58:34 UTC
Post by moviePig
In article <slrns7kvno>,
Old monsters never die, they just fade into sequels.
What movie are you claiming this is a "sequel" of?
Godzilla v Kong is a sequel to Godzilla King of the Monsters.
I knew GvK was a sequel to "Godzilla King of the Monsters" and
Post by moviePig
that was a sequel of sorts to "Kong: Skull Island", but I didn't
realize that the 2014 "Godzilla" reboot was in the same series.
Looks like there is a TV show in the offing as well.
Everybody wants a Cinematic Universe now.
Even worse, everybody gets one.
There's already a Netflix Godzilla animation series, right? I wonder if we
will get a live-action series as well. So excited for this franchise!

This is a response to the post seen at:
